How Can an Allergist Treat Postnasal Drip?

Atlanta allergist treatment for postnasal drip.
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Do you suffer from frequent night-time coughing and the need to clear your throat? If so, you may need an effective postnasal drip treatment for mucus buildup in the back of your throat. As many allergy sufferers already know, recurring postnasal drip can be a constant aggravation that impacts daily life. But with the help of an Atlanta allergist, you can get to the bottom of this common issue.

What Is Postnasal Drip?

Postnasal drip is a condition where excess mucus accumulates in the nasal cavity and throat. Along with symptoms of coughing and feeling the need to clear your throat, people may get bad breath, hoarse speech, sometimes even vomiting.

The cause of this overproduction of mucus usually comes down to allergies, though additional reasons include colds, sinus infections, changes in the weather and medications. And if temperature changes are an issue for you, make sure to read our top allergy survival tips for Atlanta’s changing weather.

How Allergists Treat Postnasal Drip

An allergist’s first task is to identify the root cause of the allergy that leads to postnasal drip. When an allergy is the root cause, the immune system will attempt to flush out the allergens from the nasal passages by producing more mucus. In this situation preventing exposure to the allergens and minimizing the immune system response should alleviate postnasal drip symptoms.

Allergy testing plays a crucial role in the diagnostic process and delivers valuable information about the nature of the allergy. Let’s consider hay fever as an example. Along with symptom analysis, the allergist could use skin prick testing to confirm whether the patient has a tree, grass or weed pollen allergy.

The following are some of the ways your allergist may treat the allergy causing your postnasal drip.

  • Antihistamines literally limit the impact of the body’s histamines – the compounds released by the immune system during an allergic reaction.
  • Nasal corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory medications that reduce swelling and mucus production in the nasal passages.
  • Immunotherapy (such as allergy shots) gradually desensitizes the immune system to the allergen.

Preventive Methods for Treating Postnasal Drip

Along with effective allergy treatments, your allergist may also recommend simple steps to minimize excess mucus production. For example, over-the-counter decongestants and nasal sprays have proven to be effective treatments for nasal allergies for many people.

In addition, keeping your home free from dust, mold and pet dander can reduce symptoms, and drinking more water may thin the mucus. While postnasal drip is indeed an aggravating condition, your allergist has time-tested solutions that can really make a difference.

Access Allergy Treatments to Prevent Postnasal Drip

Chacko Allergy, Asthma and Sinus Center provides leading treatments for postnasal drip, sinusitis and allergies. Visit our allergy centers in Alpharetta, Atlanta, Canton, Cumming, Druid Hills, Duluth and Johns Creek for expert testing services. Call (678) 668-4688 or request an appointment today.

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